Visiting NaperDays

Here are a few details about visiting NaperDays.
If you’re visiting from out of town, click on this link to Google Maps to find the best route. Follow the signs on all major streets to Naper Settlement.
Consult the map below for further detail.

There are parking lots surrounding Naper Settlement, home to Naper Days.
Handicap parking can be found on the lower level of the Municipal Center parking lot, which is the lot on the map below that is due North of the Settlement directly across Aurora Avenue. Entrances to that lot are on Eagle and Webster.

Enter NaperDays from the North at the Chapel Parking Lot entrance.
Enter NaperDays from the South at the corner of Porter and Webster.
There is no parking in the Chapel Lot during NaperDays.

Further Details
Taste of Naperville runs throughout the grounds of Naper Settlement.

The main stage is in the far west portion of the property, just north of the Martin Mitchell Mansio